Multicam Tropic™ was originally developed to reduce the wearer’s visual appearance and near-IR signature while operating in dense jungle like environments. Multicam Tropic™ is also a suitable camouflage pattern for environments that consist of lush and dense vegetation that remain mostly unaffected throughout the year due to seasonal changes.
The Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ Helmet Cover is now available in the popular Multicam Tropic™. Increased customer demand opened the floodgates for the Predator Ghillie™ line to allow Multicam Tropic™ as an option for a camouflage pattern. If Multicam™ is already being utilized then Multicam Tropic™ will compliment the Multicam™ pattern as the palettes compliment one another as already seen in overlapped portions of the main Multicam™ pattern.

Already field tested, pairing Multicam™ and Multicam Tropic™ results in a well concealed overlapping pattern. When combined with the advanced concealment technology that the Beez Combat Systems Predator Ghillie™ Helmet Cover offers, especially when utilizing the Predator Ghillie™ dreads, results in increased breakup and concealment while in dense lush vegetation or jungle like environments.
Beez Combat Systems offers many camouflage patterns from the Multicam™ family not limited to just Multicam Tropic™.